1. Install Apache (2.2.x, to c:\Apache2.2\, in my case) and Tomcat (6.0.x, to c:\Tomcat6.0\, in my case) make sure each is able to launch independently. You might need to install Java JDK and set environment variables JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME to the JDK directory
2. Download mod_jk (1.2.28 httpd-2.2.3, in my case). Install by dragging mod_jk-xxx.so to the Apache modules folder and renaming mod_jk.so. Add this line to httpd.conf: LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
3. Add a workers.properties file to the apache conf directory. This file sets options for your ajp (probably ajp13). Make sure it points to your JDK, Tomcat home directory, etc.
4. Install ArcIMS with the 'custom' option during post-install. Make sure that you select the JDK you already installed.
5. Copy over old aimsacl.xml from webapps\servlet\WEB-INF\classes. Give * permissions to all your apps for testing, you can change later if necessary
6. Copy over old old apps from the Tomcat webapps directory. Make sure WEB-INF\classes\Authenticate.properties is pointing to the new aimsacl.xml
7. Use AIMS administrator to set up map service, using similiar settings as old service. Note: on my install 'Output', 'Website', and 'Axl' are all under the Apache htdocs directory
8. Add all applicable webapps directories to httpd.conf as in the following (substituting 'example' for your own app):
JkMount /example ajp13
JkMount /example/* ajp13
9. Change any connection properties in your webapps to match new machine
10. Restart Apache, Tomcat, enjoy.