Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SDE Errors

"ERROR: ESRI: error getting spatial references for srid = "

... uses public.sde_spatial_references instead of sde.sde_coordinate_systems, so cannot use standard srid ... only have a selection of srid's of loaded features ... therefore use srid defined in public.sde_spatial_references

"DBMS table not found xxx State ID = 9"

... was getting this error after the SDE had become corrupted b/c client was using PG Admin instead of ArcGIS Desktop to do schema changing operations (deleting tables). Clearly these actions should be done with Desktop in the future (Catalog). To fix this I deleted the SDE and reconfigured with the SDE Post-Installer. This may also be fixable using
sdetable -o unregister
or some switch combo on sdegdbrepair

Error in event viewer:
FATAL: bogus data in lock file "": ""
resolve by deleting the file

Postgres Error Codes:

Deciphering Errors within ArcSDE