Friday, August 1, 2008

Setting up a Tiling/Caching Google Maps/ArcGIS Server Solution

Setting up a Setting up a Tiling/Caching Google Maps/ArcGIS Server Solution has gotten much easier with the advent of ArcGIS Server 9.3 and its REST-ful Javascript API. Specifically, the ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for Google Maps makes creating this kind of mashup almost a breeze ;)

added 8/20/08: this link at an ESRI site really helped a lot

1. reproject shapefiles into world mercator web projection (only available in 9.3)

2. add new service from mxd containing that/those shapefiles

3. enable tiling in the "service properties" for your web service. You should use the google/virtual earth tiling scheme

4. paste the service url into the example code for the extension

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