Monday, August 18, 2008
Gmaps: GEvent and "a is not defined"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Flash Map Workflow, described
Thematic groups created in ArcMap and enhanced with Adobe Illustrator (AI), were saved as separate AI files (by region) and further organized as AI “layers.” Note that a layer should be created for every group of shapes which would be always dealt with in the same way in an animation. For example, if a group of lines would appear and disappear together and never separately, they should be organized into a layer. These layers later correspond to symbols in the Flash application. All layers were then selected and copied/pasted into Flash at once. Flash has the ability to implicitly import AI layers as Flash layers copied and pasted into it. Note that the “paste in place” command should be used in order to guarantee uniform positioning across layers copied/pasted from different AI files -- the dimensions of the Flash canvas must be the same as the AI document for this to work.
The Flash Actionscript program then deals with all user interaction and data display. Symbols are displayed/not displayed, fade in/out, or are magnified based on program functions referencing the symbols indicated by other user interface symbols (buttons, etc.) which are invoked by user interaction.
New Tool: Map Extent Calculator
you can access it here
Monday, August 11, 2008
add arcgis service remotely from arccatalog
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Setting up a Tiling/Caching Google Maps/ArcGIS Server Solution
added 8/20/08: this link at an ESRI site really helped a lot
1. reproject shapefiles into world mercator web projection (only available in 9.3)
2. add new service from mxd containing that/those shapefiles
3. enable tiling in the "service properties" for your web service. You should use the google/virtual earth tiling scheme
4. paste the service url into the example code for the extension